Saturday, January 15, 2011

Health a Must

Having just read today's "Daily Kick" from Dave Farland about Orson Scott Card having a stroke I felt the need to jot my thoughts about writing and health.  The worst thing that could happen to a writer is Alzheimer's - Which Terry Pratchett has.   The next worst thing that could happen to a writer is, in my opinion, a stroke.  Mr. Card was lucky and he admits that; his stroke was very mild and he knew the instant it started happening so he had IMMEDIATE help.  But a stroke can take a brilliant mind and trap it in a broken vessel in a heartbeat.

These health issues rank in the same lump as blindness for me.  I need to see the world.  Perhaps this should be a wake up call to writers (aspiring or otherwise) that life isn't just about books, but living.


  1. Huh. I didn't know that he had a stroke. Guess that would explain why he didn't have a column in this week's Mormon Times.

  2. I second that motion... Everyone should be more self aware of health and live life to the fullest!

  3. I know exactly what you mean. It reminds me that my battle to lose weight and continually be more healthy is a battle worth fighting. I am very happy that I get to travel the beginnings of this journey with you my friend.
