Monday, February 14, 2011

Music as Muse?

I have noted a number of young authors acknowledging musicians and bands of late as inspirations in thier writings.  I'm of two minds about this. 

Music does set a mood, and that getting into a certian mood my help a writier in writing a scene, but when does the mood of the music start to dictate and warp the writing.  Could a scene be altered; could a whole book be altered for that matter, simply becasue the writer choose to put in Linkon Park over Lorenna McKennitte that day?  Are writers even aware that music choices could be altering thier writing in such a profound way?

I do not think that a writer should place themselves in a vacuum or a bubble and never allow something to inspire them; however, how many great writers relied on such mood enhancers -  yes a lot used drugs, but that's not what I'm talking about and you know it.

Music is powerful and I think can help a writer in setting down a story.  But I think that good writers don't turn to music as a source of inspiration.  Besides would you really want to read something inspired by Lady Gaga or Justin "a girl?" Bieber? *shiver*